Here is our family as of August, 2008. We waited for Makiah to be born so she could be included. Matthew was the photographer. We took it in Grandma Fowler's front yard. I think it turned out nice. I'll tell you about everyone starting at the top left. Shannon and Paul live in Bountiful and have a beautiful little girl-Sophie Lilia. Shannon is working at a Montessori school and Paul has just started a job at the Salt Lake County sheriff's department in protective services. Sophie just turned two and is taking dance lessons. Becky and Brandon live in North Salt Lake in a new subdivision. Becky is a financial director at the U's Mental Health Hospital. Brandon is going to school at SLCC and is working at Sorensen Communication. Cami is living in Holladay and is a financial aid counselor at LDS Business College. Joel is going to school at Neumont University and is studying computer science. Jessica and Dallas just moved to Indiana where Dallas is working on getting his Master's in Statistics at Purdue. Jessica is doing well after having her 2nd child, Makiah, who was born on July 16. Evan will be 2 in January and is learning lots of words now. They are both so cute! On the front row, we have Bethany who is a Senior at Bingham High. She does very well in school and is taking an AP art class this year. Jillian is 10 years old and is a 5th grader at Jordan Ridge Elementary. Jesse and I celebrated our 31st anniversary this year. Jesse is the controller at Blue Cross Bank. We love our family!