Monday, September 29, 2008


Hi to everyone. This is our family. We have been in the process of building a cabin for the past 5 years. The first year was putting in the foundation, water tank and septic system. The pictures we have of that year are not on here...we only have them in an album. When we break down and get a scanner, I'll add them. Right now, I have added a slide show for each of the other years except this one- it's not finished yet. Plus, I have a slide show of Grandma Fowler's cabin when the outside was updated in 2007. Enjoy. More later about our family.


  1. Yeay, you have a blog, pretty soon you will be addicted to it and you will constantly be adding posts and pictures and it is just so much fun! I love looking at all the slide shows, oh the memories! It makes me miss home! Love ya lots, talk to you soon!

  2. Oh...I am so glad that you started a blog! It really is such a good way to keep everyone up to date on your life! I love all of the pictures that you have posted...keep them coming :).

    ~ Love, Angie {& Doug, & Noah, & Leah too}

  3. So glad you invited us to view your blog. LOVE IT!!! I love your cabin. It is coming right along. You are all such hard workers, you Johnson's! Love ya!

  4. You seem to have such a great family!! :) I just love seeing all the pictures you posted!
